
I couldn’t stop laughing on the way home on the plane from our weekend get-together with my mastermind group ladies (1). We were recalling some of the funny things we had said and looking at a rather stern faced photo of me

This time we rented a place in the heart of Berlin by Potsdamerplatz. We were three from Switzerland and the other ladies joined from other parts of Germany. We see each other regularly on our weekly mastermind calls helping each other on our entrepreneur journey but getting together is really something else. 

We used our time efficiently deciding on the topics and dedicating Pomodoro (2) sessions to each. We combined these with our expertise. I guided the ladies to see inspiring visions of the future. Jenne (3) helped us uncover what was blocking us. We covered topics like freebies, offerings, pricing, launching, membership sites, mindset and more. These discussions continued over breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, cake and wine. 

We are different ages and come from different backgrounds and businesses. When we spend more time together, we get to know each other quirks and patterns, what drives us and what drives us nuts. 

What I love about the group is that we all genuinely want to help one another move ahead on our paths. We decided the theme of the mastermind weekend is to SHOW UP to remind ourselves that this is what we need and want to do.

What drives you forward?


  1. Our last mastermind weekend in November 2018
  2. Pomodoro blog post
  3. Jenne Ragazzo 

Thanks to my friend Olivia Schofield for letting us use her gorgeous lounge for masterminding on the Sunday 🙂