It’s incredible to see what is possible in a year. Things that would at first seem out of our league or almost impossible are achieved given the right dedication and focus.
A lot has happened since the year has gone by. At the time, one of my goals was to write my daily business blog for 100 days. That feels like it has long gone and I am now coming to the 200 blog post mark.
We decided to make the retreat a regular and annual event as we know the impact it has on our lives and businesses by taking the time out for us. It’s like having an annual review but a lot more fun.
We were also very frank and honest with ourselves discussing what worked and what didn’t. Ambitious as ever, we all set a few too many things we wanted to integrate into our lives and we found it was too much at the same time. This year, we were a lot more realistic so all feel we will be able to achieve what we want.
Whatever it is you want to achieve, be it a handstand or something else, take the time out – it’s time for you!