Years ago, a friend said that her mother used to carry 5 small dried beans in her coat pocket. When she was out walking, she would think about or come across things and situations that made her feel grateful. At which point, she would transfer one of the beans into the other pocket. These beans served as a reminder to think of the things we are grateful for. 

I always thought this was a very simple and lovely idea. There are many ways to practice gratitude, you can journal, making it a part of your morning or evening routine, go round the table at dinner time with the family or note three things just before you go to bed. 

Sometimes it can be hard to find things to be grateful for when you are completely stuck with an illness, issue or problem. It’s therefore good to build up a daily practice of seeing the wonderful things we have in life, starting with the very small, from the feeling of the wind on your face to the giggle of a child, from how refreshing your morning water was to the smell of fresh mint to the fact your partner cooked for you, whatever it is, you get the idea.

By practicing gratitude, we are reprogramming our mind to see more positive in our lives. It gives us more reason to smile, laughs and appreciate being alive. What are you grateful for?