“Would you like to join me for the Impacting Millions Live event?”
My friend Lauren Scalf (1), an intuitive business mentor asked me if I wanted to join her. She told me it would be online this time. I thought it sounded interesting, so why not?
The event is hosted by Selena Soo (2), a publicity and marketing strategist. I first came across Selena a few months ago when she had been collaborating with my business mentor Sigrun (3). I didn’t know that much about her.
Since she’s based in the US, it was on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6pm to midnight for me in Zurich. I’m always thinking about timing for my own events and workshops. I know that if people are serious, they’ll make time. I organized with my family and joined the party late into the night.
I am so glad I did. I didn’t realise but Selena has worked with household names in the online world including Danielle LaPorte, Ramit Sethi, Marie Forleo plus many others. She interviewed Ramit Sethi, the author of I will teach you to be Rich at the event. It was refreshing to hear the honesty of how their businesses had developed over time.
What surprised me was that there would be no replays. I see this as becoming more of a trend. If you show up live to an event, you definitely get so much more out of it. We often think we will go through the replays but how often do we? I’ll be sharing more about my learnings and takeaways from the event next week but my learning so far is.
Show up Live – whenever you can.