What do you do to exercise regularly? Exercise is important and over the years, I’ve tried many ways to help make it a habit.

In the past, I signed myself up for races in order to run on a schedule. I’ve met up with friends to do exercise. As an Obliger (1), someone who responds to external expectations, when I am accountable to someone, it is easier for me.

Today, I have a couple of things that are keeping me on track.

First, I have been attending a MominBalance (2) Saturday morning exercise class with a good friend. It’s an outdoor class so it takes place in all weathers, come rain or shine. Or even snow. So there may have been a morning or two where I would rather stay in bed. However, as my friend comes to get me, I’m there ready and waiting with my water bottle. I’m grateful that we do it together otherwise I would definitely be under my duvet more.

Second, I signed up for a training schedule with Runkeeper (3). Every Sunday, the app sends me my new schedule for the week. I was surprised that I stay accountable to an app but the gamer in me wants to check things off and complete the week. It’s fun and it’s helping me build up my running slowly.

If you find yourself struggling to maintain exercise, what new ways can you introduce to help yourself?


1) What do you need to build a good habit? Blog post
2) MominBalance Switzerland
3) Runkeeper training app