
On the 11th December 2018, I’m offering a webinar to help people who are thinking of setting up a side business.

I worked for a bank for 13 years in IT, client advisory and business management. In the 2009 financial crisis, my job situation changed and I hit rock bottom. I still had a job but it wasn’t a job change I had initiated myself.

I felt there was something missing from my job; it wasn’t giving me everything I wanted. At times I felt as if a bit of my soul was dying. I thought “There has to be more to life than work.”

I started working 80% for the bank and I setup a side business called Curious Courses. It was what I needed. It allowed me to explore, to try things out and see what I was passionate about. Plus I was learning the ropes of running a business.

As a side business, there was less pressure as I had regular income from my corporate job. I could take more risks without worrying how I would pay the bills.

Over the years, I’ve come across people who are going through what I went through. I am going to share what I believe are the 5 keys to starting a side business. You can learn from my experience and know what to look out for.

If this sounds like you, register for the webinar here