
They say that health is the most important thing. It’s one of the things we take for granted until we get sick. Over the Christmas period, I came down with what I thought was a small cold so as usual, I pushed through, doing all the Christmas activities, meeting up with people and travelling here and there.

It caught up with us. The family and I all ended up spending New Year’s Eve in bed with a heavy flu. We’ve been indoors for days now and still haven’t fully recovered. What’s the lesson here?

Listen to your body. Don’t overdo it. Look after yourself. Take care and rest. As a business owner, it’s particularly important. I’m a solopreneur so when I am sick, my company isn’t moving. I had to postpone client sessions so that I can recover. I’ve decided to take extra precautions and rest it out for a couple more days before returning fully to work just to make sure the whole family is well.

The end of 2018 was a particularly busy time so I understand my body’s telling me that it’s time to give it a rest. You know me, I like challenges, so this year I’ve got another idea up my sleeve – more on that later.

In the meantime, I wish you a happy and very healthy 2019. May you achieve and experience all that you want. I look forward to working with you in 2019.