“I used to hate it when people used to give me feedback or advice”

I attended a good friend’s wedding in Taiwan over the weekend. It was amazing on so many levels. I was a tad apprehensive going as I didn’t know anyone. Getting there, I realized, I need not have worried. For a start, I love meeting new people and my friend’s friends were wonderfully welcoming.

My friend has been active in the Landmark organization, a group that provides personal development courses, for many years. Many of the guests at the wedding were friends from there. 

As they had all been through the same courses, they understood each other well. They were really close as they had worked on their mindset together and helped each other go from awareness to insights to breakthroughs.

I shared a room with one of the guests and we had some really good conversations. She said that she used to hate it when people gave her feedback or advice. After attending various courses, she looked at this in a different way. She treated their advice like gold and she was able to listen to their words instead of blocking them straight away. She could then decide if she wanted to take on the advice or not.

I liked the way she had reframed something she disliked into something that worked for her. When we are open to receiving constructive feedback and advice, it is like receiving gold.