“I’ll post that course unit when I am in Sweden”

My parents are in the UK and my in-laws are in Sweden so many of our vacations are there visiting family. One of the key criteria in setting up my business was that it is location independent. That I can work from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection. 

Recently my father in law has been suffering from poor health, so we have spent a considerable amount of time in Sweden. Fortunately, having my own business has allowed me more flexibility in terms of working hours and location.

More and more companies are recognizing the need to allow their employees to work from home or abroad where necessary. It is far more common now than it was just a few years ago and I think it’s a good development. It’s no longer just for people that are freelancers or have their own business.

Now that’s the theory. What about when it comes to putting things into practice? I hear from fellow entrepreneurs on workcations (work vacation) struggling with the unreliable Internet. When I am working in other places, I don’t have the same setup in terms of childcare, quiet office space, etc. 

Yet, where’s there’s a will, there’s a way. Everything is possible. I negotiate time with my husband, I find quiet spots, I pay for roaming, I travel to places to get a good connection.

What criteria have you setup for yourself?