Yay – I’m back on track with my running.

It took me hosting the Go go go for your goals course (1) for me to see a blind spot. I was off track with my running. I had been running a couple of times a week regularly for ages but somehow I had fallen off the bandwagon.

Being back on track just means doing one session. The train wheels are back on its tracks and set to keep going on them.

So how did I get off track? It was a classic injury one – my hip started playing up and hurt every time I ran. Once I felt that recovering, I still wasn’t back on track and started saying that it was down to all the travelling I was doing. 

But I still wasn’t running even when I was back home. It took more awareness to realize that my morning routine had changed. In the past, my husband had taken our little boy to daycare but since he had started a new job, I had. I’ve always wanted to be at my desk latest 9 am working so with this new setup, I wasn’t going running.

With this new understanding, I asked myself what is more important? To feel fitter and start my workday slightly later or be at my desk for 9 am. I decided that running was more important so once I set the date to start again, I was good.

Do you need to get back on track with something?


1) Go go go for your goals course