“Just a quick note to say thanks. Not sure if you remember a couple of years back but you suggested I create a “lifestyle” type video to showcase the digital nomad lifestyle.

That seed you planted grew into this video:


Which now has more than a million views on Facebook and almost 10,000 shares. It’s by far the most popular thing I’ve ever created, and it probably would never have been if not for you. So, thank you :-)”

I received this a couple of months ago from my friend Niall Doherty of eBiz Facts (1). I am so proud of Niall. We met quite a few years ago back at a Steve Pavlina workshop in Las Vegas and he has grown and grown and grown. You can see that from the video. On his “no flying” trip around the world, he stopped in Zurich and said hi. We’ve had a number of calls and having seen a lifestyle video work really well for another coach, I recommended he also make one.

I may have planted the seed but he did all the work. I know quite a few people who think and think but never do, so kudos to Niall for producing it.

Niall really stands out as someone who has stepped out of his comfort zone on numerous occasions. He now runs a business researching and reviewing different ways to make money online.

Check out his site: https://www.ndoherty.com/


1) eBiz Facts: https://www.facebook.com/ebizfacts/posts/612968185778955