“I can always tell who has had tutoring”

I was speaking to a good friend whose daughter is about to take the 11+ exam. It’s an exam in the UK which determines whether they will be eligible to go to a grammar school.

She’s hired a tutor for her to prepare for the exam. The tutor gave various tips and tricks, such as completing the last part of the exam first as it had a large number of marks and would take less time. The student could then spend the remaining time on trickier parts. The tutor explained that the examiner was looking for certain criteria and once these were met, the student would get the points. The tutor went on to say that they could always tell who had had tutoring due to the students following these tips.

It’s like preparing for a race, if you know what to look out for, you’ve already got a headstart. If only, we applied this in more areas of our lives, it would save us a lot of time and perhaps even heartache. 

That’s often why many successful people have encouraged others to read as much as possible and to learn from others. There are millions of biographies out there, so why not learn from them. 

My Dad has always said, if I know there’s a pothole in the road ahead, I don’t want you to fall down it. Where would you benefit from having tutoring?