As we waited for 2021 to come in, my husband, a friend and I sat around our kitchen table watching “The Queen’s Gambit”. We’d heard good things about it so we started watching around 11:30pm. Fireworks started going off in the neighbourhood and the clock struck midnight. We paused for a moment, clinked our glasses, wished each other a happy new year and wild crazy party animals that we are continued watching
Netflix is part of many people’s lives. It certainly was a big part of mine this Christmas. I dread to think how many hours I have spent watching the series. There’s that pesky button that reads “Next episode” which of course automatically loads the next episode if you aren’t quick enough to turn off your phone, computer or TV. Which often means you watch another…and another and…. as much as I love it, I know it’s one hell of a time sink.
On January 1st, as we took a new year walk, a thought popped into my mind. What if I could match the time I spend on Netflix with reading or studying? So for every 45 minutes I spend reading, I would give myself an episode on Netflix? That way I would know that my brain was working as well. I suggested it to my husband and he was game. Time to put it into practice.
What about you? Could you match your Netflix time with something you would like to do?