
A part of me is
Unusually Sad
Surprisingly Bitter
Shockingly Angry

Another part is
Gratefully Happy
Feeling Mischievous
Cheekily looking for trouble

We all have different parts in us.
Sometimes these parts
Help us
Or hinder us.

An event happens
And our subconscious mind
Creates a part
To support us

Years go by…
It continues to support us
Believing it is protecting us
But sometimes it’s not
It’s blocking us instead.

Take an example:
You’re full of energy as a child
You get told to shut up
A part of you is created
That keeps you quiet
It’s protecting you
From being told off

It makes sense
It’s doing its job well
At times too well
You don’t speak up
When you want

It’s not supporting you anymore
But it doesn’t know that
It’s just doing its job.

When you realize
There’s a part at work
You can change its role
Give it a new job spec
Or ask it to retire.

Part work
Is a powerful therapy tool
That allows you
To get in touch with different parts
Of yourself.

If you’re finding yourself stuck
Ask yourself
Which part of you
Is holding you back?
And why?

Contact me if this speaks to you
Or if you have any questions.