I was really impressed
By a client
Her son is autistic
And attends a special school
Over the years
Her career was often the one
Put on hold
As they navigated
The best way forward
For their son
When we started working together
She was rebuilding her coaching business
Circumstances at the school changed
And her son needed to be at home again
Instead of cancelling all her plans
Which she might have done in the past
This time
She decided to
Ask for help
She asked her husband
To step up
Which he did
He had difficult discussions at work
She asked her in laws to help out
Which they did
Giving her the time she needed
She organised herself
So that she could pursue the work
She wanted to do
I was proud of her
Because she was looking after herself
As well as her family
Her coaching gives her so much
And she’s a great coach
Yes, of course, there are times
When we need to step back
And there are other times
Where we need to put ourselves first.
There’ a saying that
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
Elaine Hall, Found of the Miracle Project added
“It takes a child with autism or other special needs
To raise the consciousness of a village”
Don’t be afraid
To ask for help
Those helping
Will be learning
Just as much
If not more.
You are not alone
My clients tend to be mums that are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.
Some are juggling a career, partner, child(ren) on the spectrum, household, aging parents, mental wellbeing, todo lists that never end and more.
I want you to know that you’re not alone!
If there’s something on your mind that you would like to discuss, book a complimentary discovery call with me.