
“At home,
Everything’s fine.
It’s just when we are out…”

This is a common sentiment
Among families with kids on the spectrum.

Our homes are prepared.
Prepared for every scenario,
We can think of.

Through experience,
Things have been set up this way.

We have a visual calendar,
That shows our kids what to expect.

We use timers.
To indicate transitions.
And manage expectations.

We have tools to support us…
Like swings or trampolines,
Or fidget toys,
Or dim lighting,
Or soft clothing,.

We have food in the fridge.
That we know our kids will like.
In our home, that means…
Crunchy, salty food.

It’s just when we are out…
The unpredictability kicks in.
We don’t know what’s coming,
We don’t know what’s around the next corner,
We don’t know what will or won’t be a trigger.

So we learn…
Day by day…
We expand our toolkit
And make our homes a safe haven.

What changes have you made at home to ensure everything’s fine?

You are not alone

My clients tend to be mums that are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

Some are juggling a career, partner, child(ren) on the spectrum, household, aging parents, mental wellbeing, todo lists that never end and more.

I want you to know that you’re not alone!

If there’s something on your mind that you would like to discuss, book a complimentary discovery call with me.