Dec 6, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
«May this place of strength become a meeting place where cultural, spiritual and healing accomplishments come together.» – Emma Kunz Last week, I visited the Emma Kunz Grotto and Museum (1) in Würenlos, Switzerland with my good friend Astuti. Occasionally we...
Nov 29, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
This Black Friday, I want to show… Gratitude ☺ Black Friday has become known around the world as one of the biggest shopping days. People can go into a shopping frenzy with bargains left, right and centre. I’ve been caught up with the frenzies in the past too. ...
Nov 19, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
“I feel so much more grounded” There is something special about working whilst a dog is lying by your feet underneath the table. As we masterminded during the weekend, my mastermind buddy’s beautiful dog was often nearby, snoozing away or sighing deeply. As a young...
Oct 9, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
When I used to live in London, I would regularly go to Chinatown and get a fix of Dim Sum. Did you know that Dim Sum literally means “To touch the heart”? I am Cantonese so Dim Sum has a special place in my heart. This is the time to meet friends and family over tea...
Oct 8, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
Don’t get a second helping until you are done with your first. Most of us wouldn’t dish ourselves up a second helping of food until we were done with our first. Yet we do that all the time figuratively when it comes to working. We often have full work plates yet we...
Oct 1, 2019 | Experience, Happiness
“Imagine having a pause button…” I was working through some of my own personal development work with a coach and she helped me realise that we all have different times and paces. When I was working with people that were pushing me at a pace I wasn’t prepared for, she...