Oct 25, 2019 | Experience, Mission
Recently, quite a few of my friends who are small business owners have been feeling super overwhelmed with all the work they are doing. It’s usually combined with stress from home too, with family, keeping the household running, etc. I know the feeling too. Often...
Oct 24, 2019 | Mission, Vision
My first venture into personal development was when I started reading blogs written by Steve Pavlina. That was more than 10 years ago. Years later, I am still subscribed to his newsletter and enjoyed one of his recent posts on how your business model sculpts your...
Oct 18, 2019 | Mission, Vision
“This shows no-one is limited” – Kipchoge Last week, Kipchoge made history running a sub 2 hour marathon. It was great watching the footage as he made the last 200 metres. The place was chosen for the ideal conditions, clean air and flat terrain. He had the...
Sep 26, 2019 | Experience, Mission
When you show up and be seen – “you are going to get your arse kicked” – Brene Brown I just finished watching the talk “The Call to Courage” with Brené Brown on Netflix (1). To a packed audience, she gives a really inspiring talk that is full of good humour, honesty...
Aug 30, 2019 | Experience, Mission
“I can always tell who has had tutoring” I was speaking to a good friend whose daughter is about to take the 11+ exam. It’s an exam in the UK which determines whether they will be eligible to go to a grammar school. She’s hired a tutor for her to prepare for the exam....
Aug 13, 2019 | Experience, Mission
I just completed running my online course Go go go for your goals for the first time and it was an awesome experience for me. Despite being summer holidays for most of the participants, I was impressed by the dedication and effort people put in. Every week, the...