Aug 20, 2020 | Mission, Vision
“It is” I replied to my husband :-). 11 years ago, my husband and I said yes to marrying each other. It’s incredible to think where the time has gone. Our lives were quite different back then and so much has happened in the last decade.We’ve been through starting...
Aug 14, 2020 | Experience, Mission
Where do you go if you want to learn something? Do you start with a Google search or YouTube? Then pick up a book that goes more in-depth. An online course attracts you. You join a forum. Then you find a coach that can help you or show you what you can do. There are...
Jul 10, 2020 | Mission, Vision
I realise there’s a little rebel in me. On the whole, I follow the rules but occasionally I like breaking them. Maybe saying breaking them is too strong, maybe I should say I like things done differently, I don’t always follow the norm. I’ve had a few entrepreneur...
Jul 2, 2020 | Mission, Vision
“Efficient. Focused and to the point.” I asked my husband to describe our family offsite last week. We try to hold one every quarter and come up with 3 goals for the next 3 months. We treat it like a proper offsite; rent a room for 3 hours, get a babysitter, write an...
Jun 26, 2020 | Connection, Mission
“Create the Future You Want, There is No Thing Better to Do” There are so many areas in the world that need attention and love at the moment. It’s time to wake up, get out of bed where we’ve been snoozing for way too long, roll up our sleeves and get down to...
Jun 18, 2020 | Experience, Mission
What? Only 6000 steps? I looked at my step counter and was shocked to see my daily average number of steps taken around 6000. In the lockdown, my step count was easily averaging 10000 steps a day. More steps are taken in lockdown than when out – how ironic is that?...