Jun 24, 2021 | Motivation, Procrastination
How do you handle big tasks in your life? There are some things in life that we are not necessarily keen on. One of those things for me is gathering stuff for my tax return. It’s not hard, I just need to get various papers together but still it’s often a task that...
Jun 2, 2021 | Procrastination, Productivity
“It’s on my not todo list” My husband often tells me this, sometimes as a joke and sometimes he really means that he won’t do something. We all know about to-do lists but do you have a not to-do list? I’ve recently taken a leaf out of his book and added something to...
Mar 23, 2021 | Procrastination, Rapid Transformational Therapy
Over the past few years, I’ve been specialising in helping people overcome procrastination, to get out there and do the things they want. That could be writing a book, producing art, speaking in public, stopping self-sabotage, speaking up, and more. Lately, people...
Jan 28, 2021 | Procrastination, Productivity
When I say the word “Just”, what comes to mind? I bet many of you think of Nike’s slogan “Just do it”. Does it make you want to do something or does it put you off? I find it works for some people and triggers others. I think it works well for people that already have...
Jan 27, 2021 | Decluttering, Procrastination
When one of my clients was talking about how he was on top of things and was at Zero Inbox, he reminded me that this was one of the things I have been thinking about implementing. It’s been on my mind for a while because I had 11k emails on my business and 13k emails...
Jan 19, 2021 | Motivation, Procrastination
A few years ago, I met my accountant in September right before my company account taxes were due. It was quite stressful getting everything in order and I left the meeting saying I would never leave it that late again. I booked an appointment with my accountant in the...