Mar 6, 2020 | Procrastination, Productivity
Have you ever gone over the same point in your head, again and again, beating yourself up for something you did or didn’t do? Once you start noticing that you are coming back to the same thing and you are getting tired of it, then it’s time to draw a line in the...
Mar 5, 2020 | Procrastination, Questions
You know I’m a big fan of the 5 Love Languages (1) Even if it’s just to give an indication of what someone needs to feel loved, it’s a good start. I have people close to me whose language is Words of Appreciation which means they like to hear positive words like...
Jan 9, 2020 | Beliefs, Procrastination
The moment I thought the thought, I knew that I had to stick with the plan. Long story short, I’ve decided to complete my Advanced Communicator Gold Award for Toastmasters this year – that’s the highest you can go as a speaker. It means completing another manual...
Jan 7, 2020 | Accountability, Mission, Networking, Procrastination, Productivity, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Vision
This is a longer blog post than usual. I wanted to keep it to my normal 240 word posts but since it’s my 2019 review, I had a lot more to say… 2019 was challenging from a family perspective. Our parents from both sides suffered from serious health issues which...
Dec 18, 2019 | Mission, Procrastination
If I got a penny for every time I heard “I’m working on my website” and that includes coming from myself, I would be a very well off lady ☺ How many of you know what I mean? Yes, it can be rather daunting, putting a website out, writing your “About Me” page. I get it,...
Nov 20, 2019 | Procrastination, Questions
“Whatever I need at the time, shows up” I recently had a vision of speaking at conferences. I was thinking about why I wanted to do this. I want to help people live their vision, overcome procrastination and take action. Plus I love the energy of personal development...