
I found gold…
At the end of the rainbow

I am in Iceland
With my mastermind group
Ragna, my Icelandic friend
Is the most incredible host
Showing us her beautiful hometown

It’s beyond beautiful 
Living near
Nature’s Stunning waterfalls

They blow me away!

Around them,
I’m a child again
Getting as close as possible
Feeling the water
Laughing, screaming
Getting soaked
And loving it

I told you I found gold
It’s the reminder
That I need more of this
More play
More spontaneity
More childlike wonder

What about you?
What does your inner child crave?

More nature?
Play, curiosity, laughter?
Connection, Permission, Fun?

Indulge the child in you.
You won’t regret it!


I help stressed out professionals manage overwhelm, anxiety and procrastination to find more calm, balance and purpose.

Are you tired of how things are going and need to change something?

Contact me for a complimentary call to change things up.