
That doesn’t belong to you.
That’s not your issue.
It’s your mother’s.

Have you ever found yourself…
Repeating patterns?
Of your parents?

we unconsciously take on the patterns of our parents.

And once you are aware,
You can start letting go of them.

I recently worked with someone,
Who was struggling with a relationship,
And trust…

It stemmed from her parent’s relationship,
And how her mum felt about her dad.

She was holding onto the same pattern.
Repeating it again and again.
Affecting her own relationship.

Sometimes, we are so deep in things.
That we don’t realise what is ours,
And what we have taken on.

If you notice a pattern that’s persisting…
That you are struggling with.
Ask yourself:
Is this really yours?

Contact me if this has struck a chord with you.
You don’t have to hold onto patterns that aren’t yours.